Daisy's Florist Toowong Village
Same Day Delivery - We Deliver on Sunday

Daisy’s Florist Toowong Village

Toowong 07 3371 5467 or [email protected]

Toowong Village, 9 Sherwood Road Toowong Qld 4066

The Toowong Store is located on Gallery Level next to Optus and opposite OPSM Optometrists.

This cosy little store has vases filled with single stem fresh flowers for you to select from as well as a number of fresh "Ready to Go" bouquets and arrangements for all you busy people that don't have time to stop and smell the roses, or lilies, or peonies or ......

Daisy's Florist Toowong Village


07 3371 5467
[email protected]

Gallery Level, Toowong Village
9 Sherwood Road, Toowong
Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Friday 9.00am – 5.30pm
Thursday 9.00am – 8.00pm
Saturday 8.30am – 4.00pm
Sunday Closed - See Indooroopilly's Trading Hours


Our kiosk has now merged with our main store on the Gallery level opposite OPSM Optometrists.

Our little market style bouquets and posies, bulk flowers (Chrysanthemums, Lilies, Roses, Carnations) are still available from our main store on the gallery level. A selection of succulents and small plants perfect for the Office or home table. We offer only the freshest flowers that are straight from the Markets or Growers ready for you to take home.